Transform your health
Take control of your weight, your energy and performance by focusing on what you eat and when you eat.
Are you ready to regain your drive and energy?
Do you want to increase your performance? Do you struggle with bloating after eating? Are you finding it hard to shift tummy fat? Are you moody, irritable or suffering from brain fog? Do you think some foods give you tummy cramps? Are you having difficulty getting to sleep or can’t stay asleep? Do you catch any bug that’s going around? Do you want to reduce your injuries?
This is how you can feel when you are out of balance. I can help you feel stronger, fitter, more resilient and in control of your health, so you can improve your performance and regain the fun loving, energetic and happy YOU.
Your journey starts with a free, no obligation 20 minute health assessment.
“Her gentle approach in supporting meaningful changes has made a huge difference to my day to day life.”
“I am now mindful about what and when I eat, I have lost some of my weight and I feel much better in myself.”
“I enjoyed the process very much and I now feel confident to make good food choices when I am out with friends and at home.”
“Fiona was gentle and kind, I now have better energy levels and feel more positive.”
Nutritional Therapy
Lifestyle advice
Health coaching